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Ear Protection Around Water

Protecting the ears around water is important in multiple circumstances. If there is a perforation present or any form of PE tube in the tympanic membrane, it is imperative that water be kept out of the ears. If there has been recent surgery on either ear, water must stay out of the ear until the surgeon says it is ok to get the ear wet. Often when a mastoid cavity is present, after a mastoidectomy, the ear should be kept dry. If there has been a recent ear infection, the ear should be kept dry. If there has been external otitis, especially recurrent external otitis, the ears should be kept totally dry for several months.

The following products help keep water out of ears for swimming and bathing. Earplugs, with or without a headband, may not create a tight enough seal for water skiing or diving, though. Consult your ear surgeon for further instructions in the use of ear putty or a swim headband. Both are available in several colors.

Moldable "Swim" Earplugs

Moldable earplugs keep water out of ears for swimming and bathing. These are a necessity for those who have PE tubes in place, those who are prone to getting external otitis, or those who have had mastoid surgery or significant middle ear surgery. Earplugs do not create a tight enough seal for water skiing or diving, though. They are available in blue, red, teal, purple, and fuscia. $6   

Swim Headband

For swim bathing ear protection, "Ear Band-it" keeps water out and helps hold ear plugs in. These colorful, reversible Neoprene head-bands adjusts with a Velcro- like closure to fit all ages. They are comfortable, durable and easy to wear.They also keep the ears warm. Kids like to live it in the water!   $18



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