For your added interest, links to the following websites are provided. No products, ideas, or information is endorsed from any of these sites.
American Academy of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery Fellow in 1974
American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy Fellow in 1980
Minnesota Academy of Otolaryngology
Neuroscience for Kids, The Ear
American Tinnitus Association
Kids:Middle Ear
National Allergy Supply Incorporated: Nilfisk Vacuum Cleaners
Affiliated Otolaryangologists: Home | Doctors | ENT Surgeries | Facial & Laser Surgeries | Allergy | Ear Disease | Sinus Disease | Facial Nerve Disorders Larynx & Voice Problems | Throat & Reflux Problems | Snoring & Sleep Apnea | Swallowing Problems | Audiology Hearing Loss | Infant Hearing Testing | Hearing Protection around Noise | Ear Protection Around Water Locations | Links | Purchases
Facial Care Center: Home | Doctors | Facial Consultation | Laser & Facial Surgerys | Facial Excersises | Facial Care Products Glycolic Treatments | Microdermabrasion | Men’s Skin Care | Women’s Skin Care | Facials | Locations | Links | Purchases